28 N. 1st St., Suite 101, Geneva, IL 60134
Geneva Powers of Attorney Law Firm

Lawyer for Medical and Financial Powers of Attorney in Kane County
It can be uncomfortable to think about the possibility that there may come a time when you will no longer be capable of managing your own finances or making your own health care decisions. This potential loss of control can be frightening. Using powers of attorney, you can appoint people you trust to take over making these decisions for you should the need arise.
DLAW, PC recognizes the importance of knowing that someone you trust would be managing your health care and property if you no longer can. We want to help bring you peace of mind in knowing that you have a plan for this possibility and that little will be left to chance. Our attorneys will discuss all your options with you to help make sure you have the right powers of attorney included in your estate plan.
Power of Attorney for Property
Even if you become incapacitated, your bills will still need to be paid. Your public benefits will need someone to manage them. A power of attorney for finances allows you to appoint someone else to do these things and more on your behalf. You can limit the powers given, and you can use more than one power of attorney if you want different individuals handling different financial concerns for you.
If you do not want your power of attorney to take effect until you are incapacitated, this is an option called a "springing" power of attorney. You may prefer to control your own finances up until you no longer can. Others may want a loved one to start helping them manage money or other property now and continue doing so after they have become incapacitated. This is also an option called a "durable" power of attorney.
There are other temporary uses for financial powers of attorney as well. If you would like someone else to complete a major transaction on your behalf, for example, you can use a temporary power of attorney specific to that purpose.
Revocable living trusts may be used in addition to a power of attorney as a way to let your loved ones assume control of property you have placed in the trust - and to set certain terms regarding how you would be declared incompetent for this purpose.
The attorneys at DLAW, PC are well-versed in the many uses of financial powers of attorney, and we can create one to suit your particular need.
Powers of Attorney for Health Care
Medical decisions, especially those associated with end-of-life care, are very personal. It is important to use a power of attorney for health care to name someone you trust to make these decisions on your behalf in the event that you are incapacitated. You can limit the scope of this person's ability to consent to different types of care on your behalf if you would like. A living will can express your wishes for life support.
Having a strong incapacity plan in place can prevent the need for a guardianship later. A power of attorney for health care is just one part of a complete estate plan. Our attorneys will work with you to help ensure that your wishes related to healthcare are thoroughly expressed in these important legal documents.
Speak With a Kane County Lawyer for Powers of Attorney
If you are ready to create a financial or health care power of attorney, consider reaching out to DLAW, PC. We want to help you claim control of your future decision-making now. Contact us online or call 331-222-7978 for a free consultation. We serve clients throughout Kane County and DuPage County from our Geneva law office.